
Tent House

A tent is a shelter consisting of sheets of fabric or other material draped over, attached to a frame of poles or attached to a supporting rope. While smaller tents may be free-standing or attached to the ground, large tents are usually anchored using guy ropes tied to stakes or tent pegs.


Lakeside Camping

Near lakeside camping Situated in the laps of Koyna Wildlife Sanctuary, Vasota Jungles are known for its flora and fauna that charms both trekkers and nature lovers. As you trek through this dense yet beautiful jungle, surprises won’t stop coming your way. You don’t really have to worry much about the season .


Bornfire Facility

A bonfire or balefire is a large controlled outdoor fire made from bales of straw or wood. The word is believed to come from “bone fire”. In the time of the Celts, there were midsummer festivals where animal bones were burnt to ward off evil spirits. on the most recommended service in arohi vasota tent house.


Water Scooter Boat

One of the water sports that you can enjoy in vasota koyna agro tourism is the water scooter. If you have always thought of riding a water scooter, visit our agro tourism to feel the adventure. A water scooter can accommodate two people at a time. Ride a water scooter and enjoy the thrill as it speeds through the waves.


DJ Night

 Dj Night facility dj night near lake side with campfire Hevy dj brass sound. night liteing, enoy light life near koyna lake. night life near backwater of shivsagar lake is amazing. silent place only sound of dj songs. In night party wonderfull lighting. very affordable price for b’day and anniversary celebration.   


Night trek

Night Trek  the thrill of a night trek and cave exploration and is one of the most adventurous trekking routes out there. Located in shembdi   is sited amidst boulders. near beautiful night trek datt mandir. atmosphere is silent  only trekkers with gide and few local gide a night trek near arohi tent house. 

Our Expertise

One of the most beautiful place near koyna backwater. amazing atmosphere in arohi vasota tent house.  

01. healthy and tasty food

we care of our customer serving healthy and tasty food. 

02. train staf

most staff are train. provide best facility of our customer.

03. 24*7 repetition

providing 24*7 resorption staff in only arohi vasota tent house. 

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